I am told that Margate is a bit dull and cold for August, so have decided to stay in Port des Torrent in Ibiza for a little while longer than planned. Mrs Biggles' mobile didn't stop ringing a few hours ago with the very good news that the Planning Committee at TDC has very sensibly decided that the China Gateway application has been referred to a full Council meeting. That's as good an excuse as any to crack open another bottle of tinto! Hope to be back by October to sit in on a full Council Meeting.
Having found an internet room in a local hotel, I have sneaked in to have a look at e-mails and local Thanet blogs and to have a go at long distance blogging before Mrs Biggles drags me away.
Could I apologise to regular readers who have been missing my postings this month but sunshine, sand and San Miguel offers some serious diversion from the goings on in Thanet. I am trying to work out what all the fuss is about concerning Tesco carrier bags and have come to the conclusion that Eden over in Sant Antoni has more interesting diversions to offer at the moment.
The locals here are suffering from a lack of Brits who are clearly finding the euro exchange rate daunting and are noticeable by their absence in Port des Torrent this summer.
One of my sources tells me via e-mail that 'Our Leader' is closer to me than Thanet and has got out of Thanet to stay with friends in Portugal.. I thought he might appear in Sant Antoni harbour to distance himself from matters of China Gateway, like yours truly, but I am glad to report that I have not yet heard on the ferry each morning , dulcet tones drifting across the harbour of "these f*****g t*****s carn't speak English proper".
I wonder who rang him this evening after our Councillors referred CGP's application to Full Council? I hope they moved their ear from their phone when 'Our Leader' realised that 'Our Ken' and his deputy had failed to get a decision tonight. I can imagine the reaction: " What do you mean? Transparent windows and a poxy solar panel get passed for Simon's gaff in Birchington but Ken hasn't got the Committee to approve China Gateway for Ken! Gawd'n Bennet, I should have stuck with Bill !"
Mrs Biggles has found me and I must now go. Regular readers will be pleased to know that the Guardia Civil are not looking for me and that a few more weeks in the sun should set me up for a dreary autumn in Thanet. I leave you with a picture of an 'armless blogger' waiting for the ferry into Sant Antoni. Bonas nochas or that's what it sounds like.
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
3 days ago