R & R was most enjoyable and weather from Easter Sunday onwards was excellent for the time of year.
It was sad to see how quiet Margate was yesterday as I returned home via Marine Terrace, compared to Keswick. Keswick has been packed with visitors from home and abroad for the past two weeks. Its closed Woolworths is already thriving with new tenants doing a brisk trade and as for 'recession', this Easter holiday has exceeded last year, according to local businesses.
I was delighted to see that Northdown House hasn't burned down yet and that the only arson seems to have ocurred in Ramsgate. I am still interested in when TDC is going to get back our £45,000 for fencing around 'The Scenic Railway' and insist on repairs or compulsory purchase 12 months on from last year's April bonfire and TDC's fine words on strong action.
Good to see the Adscene has further info about Thor and decontamination work that will take at least 10 years to complete.
Also pleased to see that CGP is putting KCC/TDC in its dubious EKO LLP partnership on the spot in regard to China Gateway. I will comment in detail about this in due course.
I was very glad to find that TDC's Conservatives are seriously considering the future with or without their present leadership and that 'crunch' time has been delayed until 6th May. An extra two weeks to weigh up the situation is good news and I hope that the decisions taken in due course will enable the Conservative members to go forward as a united and re-invigorated group under reputable Leadership.
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
Glad to see you back Bertie hope you enjoyed the break. Roll on 6th May when I hope there will be more good news.
Blimey you should have informed the worlds media, had this been the case, I'm sure Sandy and his cohorts would have arrange a suitable home coming.
Welcome back, Bertie! You summed up what you have missed very aptly - Conservatives gathering strength is what you hope!
You must have missed the lovely dry Thanet weather though, a lot less rain in our sunny corner than the lakes i think!
Glad to see you're back Bertie.
You may have noticed some blood letting has occured on the blogs between Biggles and Matt! Thanet Blog Wars 2 (The Return) seems to be pending!
bertie, you are mistaken, no decision was taken to 'put back' the agm, it was always scheduled thus so. I am in no doubt the the leader will be sandy, much as I am in no doubt tha the 'odd' cabinet member may well lose out.
Sorry to have neglected the blog! Family admin has taken up much time.
I must apologise 12.46 if I have misinformed concerning 23rd April. We can only await the outcome in due course.
I would be unhappy as a 'Leader' if I found that I faced another year with a sizeable minority of the 'Group' not supporting me. The needs of the Party militate for a gracious step down rather than internecine strife.
The Conservatives have got to win back many who in terms of local politics no longer support them. A fresh start is called for?
Just been with a load of Conservative oldies not involved in politics they all said UNPROMPTED THEY HATED SANDY and wouldnt vote for the Conservatives again,also that he had done nothing tangible for Thanet, despite what he thinks he has! Perhaps that might gird any plotters reading this to keep up the pressure!
Only a tiny minority of voters have any interest in blogs. Nothing that ezekiel has done compares with the nastiness exposed in the press about labour in recent weeks, or the disater that they have caused the economy of our country. All of this is a diversion to take the spot light off labour. Get real Bertie.
22.43, you must not confuse the National picture with the local one.
There are many Thanet Conservatives, like myself, who will vote for Roger Gale or Laura Sandys to do our bit to get David Cameron into No 10 but find the present local Conservative set-up in Thanet quite shocking. That is the reality.
Bertie, am also back from holidaying 'up north' and delighted to see Derbyshire buzzing with holiday-makers enjoying the sunshine. Everywhere was busy with people enjoying the walking on the disused railway lines now footpaths, riding the steam trains and quaffing the locally-brewed ales in the busy pubs. Why can't Thanet be like that anymore? Oh, I forgot, we haven't anything for people to enjoy other than beaches that may/may not be kept clean/swept of litter/dog poo etc. We saw no litter anywhere in the beauty spots. Perhaps the local authorities there are more concerned with attracting visitors rather than infighting among themselves and trying to score points off the opposition.
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