Our KCC Elections are only 25 days away and after doing my bit for my Conservative Candidates yesterday, I had a chat with a friend who was doing a similar job for his Labour candidates in Ramsgate. Something he said, got Bertie thinking.
There would appear to be quite a few households with occupants not on the electoral roll. Even allowing for a surprisingly large transient population in Thanet, my friend found quite a few occupants who had been living in their houses for more than 2 years and were still not on The TDC Electoral Roll and thus unable to vote. .
It is an offence to not register and TDC has a duty in law to chase up non-compliance. How well has it been doing in this matter? After all, it collects Council Tax from all house-holds and would know quite quickly whether occupants had not registered.
I hope that feet have not been dragged in chasing up non-registration? I should imagine that it's potential Labour voters on some of our 'estates' who might be slack in registering; the average Conservative supporter tends to register promptly having moved. If TDC has been slack in chasing up 'non-registration' then it needs to be careful as it could lay itself open to accusations of administrative delay to effectively 'gerrymander'.
I hope we are not in the situation of a 'reverse' Shirley Porter job in Thanet.
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
5 days ago
Never mind the non-registered residents Bertie, how many of the registered electorate will bother to turn out to vote? A minority I suspect, if the turnout in the last local election is a guide.
A valid point, Hugin. With the public's views about expenses fiddles at Westminster by MPs of all parties, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the turnout on 4th June turns out to be shockingly low. The main beneficiaries will be fringe parties and heaven help us, the BNP.
People who are being chased by debt collectors avoid the electorial register. Or so I'm told.
In my little part of the Isle, Westgate, we haven't seen an election flyer from the Tory party for the last six years!
Two TDC elections, and now the second KCC election, and nothing for their party!
I'm a Tory and I voted Labour last time as theirs was the only policy I had to look at!
Looks like it will be Labour again this time unless I actually get sight of what the Tories are standing for!
Mr 'Bertie Biggles'
Thank you for your interest. I am aware that you have a following of disgruntled Tory voters, but was asking Michael to publicise the group for old times sake.
We will be meeting here in Broadstairs this week, and once we have confirmed our name and plans, I will let you know our internet contacts. Please feel free to publish the main part of the posting if you wish, as it may give some heart to the disinfranchised Conservative voters that frequent your website.
East Kent Real Conservatives
At our regular meeting this week, certain of our members were discussing the rather unhappy state of the Conservative Councillors sitting in Thanet, and what could in reality be done.
There has been talk of disgruntled Tory supporters standing in certain Wards with the hope of getting in, or splitting the vote to allow Labour to win the seats. This seems a rather destructive idea and so that is why the ‘East Kent Real Conservatives’ will meet this week for the first time.
This is a working title and may change, but it will initially be made up of a group of financially independent Professional and Business folk who intend to try and put forward viable Conservative opposition at the next local election. People who have real standing and reputation with their local communities and a wealth of experience.
We will let you know the website address etc once we have confirmed our name and strategy.
Kind regards,
Richard H
Like your informant I've been out door-knocking and get the same response 'I never vote for anyone. They're all the same, out for themselves'. That, of course, is how they feel until they need help and the only one who has any authority, in many cases, is the local MP. If you're battling the Jobcentre/Social security etc. the MP is the person who can get something done or at least do his (in Thanet's two constituencies) best.
And why should we vote for developer led Council?
Developers should be ashamed of themselves for ruining this Island.
But then again they have not served this country unlike the Gurkha's.
Whatever people's reasons for not getting on the electoral roll doesn't alter the fact that Cllr. Wise said that they weren't prepared at TDC to spend funds chasing up non-compliance despite the fact being registered is a legal requirement. I wonder if he would have said the same if the missing voters were in Cliftonville East or would he assume that anyone who doesn't register is likely to vote Labour, if at all, so why bother pursuing them?
We here in Cliftonville East havent had any literature either - maybe Bertie's footsteps havent reached us yet? Keep up the pounding!
Thanks Richard H. 19.04, doing my best!
Postscript had labour literature now! Still waiting...
Westgate are now in receipt of UKIP flyers. Sod all from anyone else. And anyway, I agree with UKIP.
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