My thanks to Masie (see Masie Grace's blog here) for her first pic of Tracey Emin's artistic neon sign " I Never Stopped Loving You" that now adornes Droit House.
Having reported the battle with TDC by The Swan in Westgate to get a simple, tasteful lit sign installed above its door, one has to wonder about this adornment to Droit House. If ex-Margate girl Tracey didn't come up with this for free, how much has it cost the TC? We are entitled to ask this question because as KCC Council tax payers we will be subsidising TC to the tune of £1,000,000 each year, if not more, in the years to come.
We could have saved ourselves and Tracey the trouble perhaps, by inviting some of our local graffiti scroats to get their spray cans out and give us something more vigorous and earthy to adorn Droit House. Their work would be vandalism of course, where as this is art. Really?
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
We all know that signs is Sandy Ezekiel's pet thing! Whether it is signs for China gateway or Thanet Earth - we discovered that he wanted to have a massive one on the Thanet way announcing that recently ! Think he wants signs to be his epitaph? Cant think why I why - no-one who visits TDC offices will ever forget him when they see the Tart's boudoir carpets!
that'll be Tracey with an 'e'
Thanks 22.35.
I think your find its not 200 years old.
That'll be "That'll
With a capital "T"
Dear little Prattle
With the pedant's "E"
Will you settle for 198 years old, 00:25?
It's 63 years old as it was rebuilt after having been bomber in the war.
1947 old chap!
Hmm,happen you best get your history right bertie.Droit House was built in 1828 but destroyed in the second world war by german bombs.It was rebuilt in 1947 so methinks an extra maths lesson for the teacher heh?Anway this is great news for Margate as people will want to come and see her work,even if you don't.
Oops, thanks everyone for drawing my attention to the reconstructed Droit House that is a copy of the blitzed one but only 63 years old.
10:27, thank you for your comment but I have edited as I am sure you expected me to:
Anonymous said...
You never stop being negative do you****** **Bertie.This is fantastic news for Margate,whatever anyone thinks of tracy people will go miles to see her work,so this will benefit the whole area.The local traders(especially in the Old Town)are thrilled,as myself family and friends are(all local people)
24 March 2010 10:27
There is no accounting for what some consider art but if a pink neon sign attracts the hordes you expect then I hope it will benefit hard pressed traders in Margate.
Hmm.I did'nt swear or was rude-so why are you making out i was?
I am thrilled to see La Emin's work there.
We have waited long enough. The first time it was suggested years ago, time honoured Thanet dinosaurs saw to it that it was refused, causing great hurt to Tracey. Yours is such a typically parochial attitude. I know you won't care about that much. Neither do I. But I do care when the 1950's opinions of a few vociferous old dodderers risk the future of this town by views that belong in the century before last.
Wake up man!
What interests me is the incredible lack of interest in the TCs activities evidenced by the viewing statistics of the videos about their activities embedded in there website.
You can be pretty certain Bertie that 100 times more people look at out blogs than ever look at the TCs website.
I also wonder if our Tracey makes her neon artworks herself, it’s something that I had a go at years ago and found rather tricky, both from the glass bending point of view and the electrical.
Pity it isn’t interactive in some way, it would make it more fun.
Has anyone got any photos when it was painted blue and white like a piece of wedgewood.
As for the neon sign I think it is cool.
I'm sure the East London traders who fill the Cecil Square car park and contribute nothing to the local economy, except take trade from the few remaining shops; will be in delights that a neon sign is on the seafront!
I for one will be organising coach trips to come and see a sign. I'm paying for the electric through my taxes after all!
My apologies 11.07, that was not my intent whatsoever. Whilst my identity is not a secret, it suits my schizophrenic nature to use 'Bertie'on Strife and to edit out any reference to my name; hence my edit!
In the early afternoon sun today, my fading vision failed to pick out the pink neon message, so it has perhaps been packed away until the ceremonial 'un-veiling'? If so, an excellent 'coup' from Masie Grace.
An interesting observation, Michael. Perhaps the 'art' is the scribbling out of the message on a note-pad by Her Eminence whilst the local neon sign firm is then commissioned to put it together?
Nice one Bertie. The old red rag trick has worked again!
Your negative blog and the Ramsgate bookshop bloke and checksfield are like a bunch of Victor Meldrews, honestly you men need an education, and you wonder why your called whingeing poms! I believe this artist has made about 12 million pounds in her time, now thats a success and she's a local girl! but what do you men do, you snipe and moan on your little blogs like petulant old wind bags.
22:41, how much money 'Her Eminence' has made is irrelevant to the issue of talent, creativity and artistic merit.
I am sure that many, now heralded as 'great' artists with their work selling for millions many years after their deaths, lived in almost abject poverty whilst they created masterpieces. Will my great, great grand-children be waxing lyrical in the years to come over 'Her Eminence's' great masterpieces? I doubt it. Good luck to her as she rides the 'gravy train' that so many talentless 'personalities'in modern Britain are on; it doesn't stop her being talentless.
Now, Mr Turner's work is in an altogether different class.
I absolutley agree about the talentless personalities thing.
But art is subjective. If many people find Tracey's work stimulating and interesting, and she chooses to do Margate a great favour by making a work especially for us, isn't it rather ungracious to moan about it?
And if you think Turner is so great, how comeyou are moaning so much about having an art centre in his name?
I suppose it would be ok if it was the Turner Ice Rink.
What a load of old whingers you are indeed. The sign will be a lovely addition to Margate, IMO. We should be proud of our cultural link with Ms. Emin. The light will look beautiful. It's a temporary structure on a reconstructed building, sited next to a new contemporary art gallery. Get a grip, people.
Well Said.
Bertie,Mr Turners work will be on show in the gallery,how fantastic is that!
How many works and which one's and when? As my Council Tax will be subsidising others to visit, may just have a subsidised visit myself; thanks.
Good grief. Some people are just never satisfied.
Well said.Especially in Berties case..
I think it's beautiful - a love letter to her old home town. She uses neon because she remembers Margate's neon as a child :)
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