KCC Highways new layer of tarmac looked pretty, even if it seemed unnecessary, and 'Our Ken' will be pleased to know that a number of his TDC constituents didn't want a Labour leaflet, as will Cllrs Hayton and Bayford.
Found a very glossy leaflet for Conservative Candidates Hayton and Bayford, blowing in the wind so Michelle Fenner and Jenny Matterface do have some supporters up there.
For my sins I have been asked to do a few extra streets for Cllrs Wells and Jarvis, closer to home, and will regard this as penance.
My concern is that all this effort to get people out to vote on 4th June will be wasted as events of recent weeks may have hardened the electorate to avoid any main party and convince them to stay at home. It is difficult to get across the message that District and County elections and candidates have nothing to do with the shameful activities at Westminster.
bertie, the easiest way to convince us they are nothing to do with the parties is to resign and run as independants. we might find out what they really think then
I think you could be right, but for those good candidates in the party system before the recent DT exposure, its too late.
I agree they should all run as independents but what is to stop them changing parties once voted in. Its been done a few times at Thanet now!!
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