The terrace with shops and accommodation above has had refurbishment of roof and scaffolding work going on for some time and the nature of such fires is that once in the roof the fire spreads rapidly to neighbouring properties in the terrace. The reports are that 4 out of the 14 buildings in the terrace have been severely damaged and that others have suffered smoke damage. It could have been worse if the fire service had not prevented further spread.
I was unable to get close enough to see exactly what businesses have now suffered but it looks as if Thanet Sports Trophies, an empty shop, Time Tunnel and businesses down to Batchelors Bakery and Coffee shop, might have all suffered with smoke, water and fire damage to various degrees.
As one who has watched the inevitable decline of Northdown Road due to Westwood Cross and high parking charges, this is a serious blow to all businesses in Northdown Rd. I should imagine that road closure and structural safety problems will be on-going. Martell Press across the road is about to close and how many of the affected businesses will be able to get over this further catastrophic blow remains to be seen.

Another disaster for Margate
no the hair's too dark - more like the carpet salesman i think!Does Jimmy own this building methinks?
Nope and I think my photos are much better.
Crikey its such a blimin competitive game this blogging lark!
Probably right about the pics!
05.53, I have had to amend your comment slightly as we do need to be careful about unsubstantiated allegations about arson.
Anonymous said...
OMG ***** stikes again! and it's always an arcade involved!
I bet he was on holiday again too.
19 May 2009 05:53
On a completely different tack, fire prevention is clearly a problem for some property owners in and around Thanet. For example, Pleasurama, the arcade on Marine Terrace, The Scenic Railway etc. I should imagine that Insurance must be a problem for some. Perhaps it is time for the IOTG to dig into its archives and list all strange fires in Thanet in the past 20 years and who were the unfortunate owners?
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