Last night's meeting of Conservative Councillors had to consider 3 candidates for the leadership; Cllr Wells, Cllr Gideon and Cllr Ezekiel. It would seem that after a secret ballot, Cllr Ezekiel was confimed in his position as Leader of the Conservative Group.
This is clear evidence to me that the majority of Conservative Councillors lack integrity, putting self advancement and self interest before principles. As the ballot was in secret, one can only speculate on the size of the majority supporting a Leader who has been found guilty of conduct unbecoming in respect of decent standards of behaviour in public on 3 counts on 2 separate ocassions. I hope the majority was small.
.The price for being principled has now been paid by Cllr Gideon who received marching orders today. If the run-up to last night was a series of meetings and discussions concerning support for a change then quite clearly some dirty tricks and downright lies have probably been par for the course.
I was going to speculate about who might replace Cllr Gideon in Cabinet but a source has told me that Cllr Simon Moores was sitting in Cabinet tonight discussing SFP and Pleasurama and it would thus seem that speculation is now unnecessary.
Whilst some might argue that this is politics and the the way of the world, then I must just beg to disagree. I presume that other Ezekiel supporters will now be rewarded in some way , perhaps with additional allowances for being 'Leading Members' or other crumbs from The Emperor's table whilst those with principles and concern about the integrity of the Conservative Party will be cast into the wilderness, if not already there.
Time for Bertie to consider whether it is time to cancel his DD to The Conservative Party and send back his NTCA membership card as his local party seems to have been hijacked by ex-Labour members or hangers-on, those without scruples and those who clearly have no idea about principles and decent conduct that used to epitomise The Conservative Party. To quote a TDC Cabinet member earlier this year, ' The running of TDC has become like an episode from the Sopranos'.
"We have a large resource of talent within the Conservative group and I am delighted that Cllr Simon Moores has accepted the position of Cabinet member for Customer Services. He is an expert in IT and will make valuable contribution."
Just in case anyone thought that Cllr Moores had any scruples!
Bought and paid for thank you very much!
It is very sad when people like Cllr Moores who it was hoped had integrity and the good of Thanet at heart is sucked in. How many more pieces of silver was he offered? All I can say is congratulations to Jo Gideon for showing that she has more b--ls than most of her Conservative colleagues in attempting change for the better. I suspect that Labour is rubbing its hands with glee at the thought of the Tories led by Ezekiel going into the 2011 local election.
Bertie,you need to be a rallying centre for disillisioned conservatives to stand as independants - why not set up an email address like ECR so people can contact you!
We have a year to get candidates to stand against all those who supported Ezekiel and his cronies and they would have something to think about!
But has Sandy forged dollars and documents ?
Has Sandy been arrested with associates who were found to possess sub-machine guns ?
Has Sandy dressed as a Sheikh and swanned around Ramsgate Harbour ?
Has Sandy been arrested for paramilitary activity ?
Has Sandy ever led a pseudo cadet group, known colloquially as "The Hitler Youth", who lost their KCC Youth Group affiliation status ?
Has Sandy been exposed as a liar under the Inquest cross examination of a Coroner ?
Has Sandy been found guilty of libel in the High Court ?
Has Sandy been subject of employer inquiries into obtaining employ by the deceptive use of forged qualifications ?
Has Sandy been accused of abusing his position to gain knowledge of witness identity and then to seek to intimidate witnesses to dissuade evidence ?
By Thanet tory standards Sandy is an improvement.
I was thinking of emailing him about the holocaust denial lectures witnessed at the War and Peace Show in 1999. Just in case, as a man who can get obstreperous about anti semitism, he might feel inclined to ask some questions. Not having to stray beyond the confines of Thanet tories.
Its why I ditched them three years ago, as the writing was on the wall that the new Tories would be worst than the Old Labour lot that they replaced.
Clearly the Thanet Tories must be put in the spotlight in the run up to the June 4th elections.
What it really means Bertie is your job isnt done - got to keep your blog going for a rallying ground for Tories who won't be supporting the local group until the present cabinet have been removed - that is your goal now! "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!"
00:37, I suspect that you are not alone in thinking that 'political advancement' was the reward for Cllr Moores' support. They say politics is a dirty game. For example, I heard a buzz that one Ezekiel supporter offerred last week to switch loyalty if he could have 'advancement'to Cabinet as Deputy Leader and was told politely to 'bog off'.
08:13, thanks for that but I am tending to think that Michael Child has a point about an elected executive Mayor at TDC.
Richard, the past is alawys interesting as a comparison and you have a point.
09:35, I act as a commentator and do not have political goals. Yes, I had hoped that the Party I have supported in Thanet would be able to conduct itself with some dignity but if they have failed to take the opportunity for a fresh start then that is for them to live with.
I suspect that this will not be the end of the matter and we must remember that a Leader has to be accepted by the whole Council. Can Sandy Ezekiel rely on support from within his own ranks even if it is acceptable protocol for 'rebels' to fall in line or be whipped out?t
Bertie there is much talk about independents but we need more than armchair warriors.Those that are outraged at the present state of affairs in Thanet must put themselves forward.
The present make up of the council
34 Tories,19 Labour 2 Independents could be altered by independents gaining 7 Tory seats taking overall control away from both of the main parties,is this such a huge task if there are so many people in Thanet that wish to make real change?
One scenario is that those who voted against Cllr. Ezekiel join forces with Clive Hart and his group and perhaps between them they could change the situation. Does anyone know if this is possible?
I think it's unlikely any of the current Tory lot will change sides in political terms although it might be interesting if any of those who were originally Labour tried to go back into the Labour fold.
Any bets on who among those who voted for other candidates finds himself/herself deselected next time round?
But simon Moores supported Jo Gideon....How does that work
Evil Triumphs when Good Men Do Nothing !!!
But we know that nobody is going to hold an anti-leader rally so lets just give up!
Sadly, as one who is a student of local politics,I find too many people grumble then do nothing about it. The number who never vote is depressing and those who say they want change seem to evaporate when push comes to shove.
Apathy is the biggest danger and is how Communists got hold of trades union back in the 1950s.
The next TDC elections are in 2011 but voters do have some power in their hands with county elections next month (not forgetting the European ones as well, and mustn't forget the Ramsgate Town Council where Gerry O'Donnell appears to have managed to find.....only himself standing).
Your hate filled rant against Ezekiel and accusations of conservative lack of integrity is making you look very small Bertie.
People are entitled to express an opinion and the majority clearly did so in a secret ballot if your "source" is correct.
How much integrity must he or she have in divulging facts about the meeting to you? That sounds like a colleague Ezekiel can do without, presumably some dissatisfied back bencher that does have the talent to get a meaningful job within their grouping.
How nice to hear from you again 20:14.
Hate filled rant? Get real for goodness sake! I have stated quite clearly that a majority on Wednesday was 'won' by Cllr Ezekiel. If it was a secret ballot and a 'majority' was declared, would you like to inform readers how big the majority was, as IOTG reports it was a large majority?
If Conservative Councillors have decided to support a Leader who has been found guilty on two separate ocassions of failing to meet standards required of his office on 3 counts, then that is their decision. I am not happy with that decision and have no illusions that such a decision does any credit for the integrity and good name of the Conservative Party in Thanet.
To attack those colleagues of yours who hold a different view to 'my Leader ,right or wrong' does you no credit or credit for the 'majority' who supported Cllr Ezekiel. You indicate with your obnoxious posting what is fundamentally wrong with the Conservative Group under Cllr Ezekiel's leadership.
I am not impressed with your attack on Conservative Cllrs who clearly may disagree with your sycophantic support for Cllr Ezekiel and are entitled to do so. Your posting smacks of bully-boy, threatening and unscrupulous self interest and does no credit to the Conservative Party.
Well said Bertie, it is depressing that the local party is filled with characters more concerned about saving their own positions and self interest than what is good for Thanet, we will never get inward investment etc whilst we have a leader of the council meeting business people etc of the low calibre of our present leader- whatever the last commentator says that is fact!
I do not like having to delete comments or edit them, but at times it is necessary. There is a 'creature of the night'(a night shift worker perhaps?) whose comments seem targeted in one direction. I am happy to put up crticism and comment that is temperate, so please 00:09, 00:17 and 01:07 put your views and comments and information by all means but leave out the bile and personal attacks. It will save me time.
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