Tony Flaig at , has mentioned the small item on Page 7 of this week's Thanet Times concerning a recent East Kent Audit Partnership report that highlighted a waste of tax payer's money by TDC in insuring 28 vehicles it was not using and failing to insure a 7.5 tonne rubbish lorry it was. As TDC has now altered what it does in vehicle insurance, we are assured that £400,000 has now been 'saved'. How much was wasted then? This might be of interest to those who now find their local loo closed, TDC flower beds unplanted, or are still waiting for a wheelie bin or resent the closure of Margate Museum.
I went to look for East Kent Audit Partnership reports and couldn't find them. If any reader can steer me where to look, I would be most grateful. It would seem that Canterbury, Dover and Thanet have pooled their internal audit effort as well as having the Audit Commission look over their affairs. It is also that time of year when members of the electorate are invited to talk to the Audit Commission over issues that worry them and details on how to do this are shown at If you want to contact them quickly then e-mail Lisa Robertson at .
If you visit TDC's website you can access TDC's Financial Report for 2008/09. As a non-accountant it is pretty much indecipherable to a simple chap like myself but a number of snippets caught my eye.
With a ferry operator, wind-farm stuff and a basin full of yachts in Ramsgate, one wonders why Ramsgate Harbour is costing us all £750,000 a year to support?
I was unaware, for example, that under 'debtors', our Council is acting as a money lender to employees for car purchase! Hardly seems a 'green' policy but car loans to employees is surely not what a council should be involved in? How much money is involved and at what rates of interest and to how many employees, is not clear.
Under 'Related Party Transactions' it would seem that works and services of £50,767 were commissioned from companies in which two TDC Councillors had an interest and that a grant of £77,901 was paid to a private sector company which one Councillor declared an interest in. It would be nice to know what companies and which Councillors and their level of 'interest', particularly as East Kent Audit Partnership indicated concern of internal TDC control of compliance with 'Contract Procedure Rules'. This seems like pen pusher speak for rules on awarding contracts not being followed !
I will need help to explain what state TDC's Pension Fund is in and what the implications could be for the Council Tax Payer. It would seem that the deficit in the generous pensions for our local government employees is now at £53, 220,000 with a hole appearing in the last 12 months of £22, 033,000! Does the council tax-payer effectively underwrite these generous pensions?
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
5 days ago
With regard to 'Related Party Transactions' and the companies involved, surely this is a matter of public interest and the facts should be made available. These are substantial sums and we need to know which councillors are the beneficiaries of OUR money. Another case for FOI? 'Contract Procedure Rules' in Thanet - Haaaaaa Hhhaaaaaa ROFL!
It doesn't say anywhere what using the Mill Lane car park for staff costs, does it? I understand that most of that car park is exclusively for TDC employees in which they can park their TDC-funded vehicles.
I can accept cars are needed for staff whose work takes them out and about but for office-based workers when the offices are sited by several maain bus routes to/from most of Thanet, can this be justified?
07:50, whilst I agree this is information one would expect to be readily available, a 'declared interest' does not necessarily mean the individual Councillor is a direct beneficiary.
08:23, I could not extract details but please feel free to contact the Audit Team! With a 50p minimum charge in Northdown Road, no wonder people push off to Westwood X.
This info is only published to keep the likes of you bloggers and a Mr kircaldi busy and off the streets. Your rantings are at best laughable, and at worst seriously sad, me I go fishing for my relaxation,
With well known blue chip companies announcing that they are cutting the final salary pensions for existing members it is unbelievable that TDC don't start doing the same. Why should someone who already has more than generous holiday benefits and uncontrolled time off sick be allowed a gold plated pension when the rest of us aren't? In the past it has been argued that local government officers are paid less than those in the private sector, the same cannot be said now, so why not start to change the terms of the pension to cover the deficits,those in the private sector in our declining years are going to be looking at the retired local government officers whilst we are still working to keep them in their mode of retirement!
11:41, glad to hear you go fishing to relax; each to his own!
So why bother coming on to Strife with your rudeness?
If you think that drawing people's attention to poor and inept administration by TDC is ranting and laughable, when it is Council Tax Payers' money being wasted,then so be it.
I do not want to read about irregularities in contract awarding; chalk being land-filled on an SSI site without a Licence; my Council pursuing an asset disposal on an asset it doesn't own etc etc. What I want to see is good administration by my Council. Is that too much to ask for?
keep your hair on Bertie but we all agree with your comments, that is why we visit! think it is only a cronie visiting so he can report back but couldnt resist a dig? You can probably work out who it was by his poor spelling again this time of Scottish surnames?
Back to surmising who the related companies doing works are - don't we already know that the vice chairman of planning's building co got the job of erecting the over the top allotment fencing? What control was there over specification type,cost etc there?
Bertie public service information in Thanet should be a better title!
Bertie if possible could you help us to tell people about the following event to be posted right after this post
thanks Tony
The village of Birchington is to stage its own salute to the King of Pop.
The Michael Jackson Tribute competition will be held at the King Ethelbert School at the end of the month.
But auditions will be held soon in preparation of the event. Comperes John Worrow, a parish councillor, and Ralph Hoult, entertainments manager at Ramsgate’s Granville Theatre, will host the show. To audition for a spot at the July 31 event potential performers need to decide on which of four categories they want to apply for.
They are: the young Michael, the older Michael, The Jackson Five group and the Michael non lookalike (music tribute category). To get involved call Cllr John Worrow on 07847303256 or Julie Francis on 01843 841796.
Cllr Worrow said: “We expect this to be a fun event for all the family.” The Birchington Village Partnership are staging the show.
The winners of the tribute competition will get to perform at Birchington Village Partnership's Outdoor Event at Minnis Bay on Sunday, September 20 and the Starlite Entertainers dance act will also entertain.
Tony, no problem, I will post it as a comment although it is off topic!
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