Sunday 23 August 2009


I watched Channel 4 News on Thursday evening and listened closely to what The Scottish Justice Secretary had to say when being questioned about releasing Megrahi, the only man convicted for the Lockerbie Bombing.
As he talked of compassion and the fact that Megrahi was being released to return to his family to die, I felt proud to be British.
The ensuing howls of rage from the USA were to be expected but let us pause and consider for a moment the nature of USA Governments and their actions. This is a country that executes its citizens, often after years on Death Rows, electrocuting, gassing, injecting or shooting them. It is a country that kidnaps 'suspects' and transports them around the world to various sordid prisons and tortures them. It is a country that holds foreign nationals in in-humane conditions for years without trial or due legal process. It is a country that for years allowed the IRA to raise millions of dollars to fund weapons and explosives used by terrorists to kill and maim British soldiers and British citizens in Northern Ireland and throughout the UK. Mrs Clinton even accompanied her husband to N Ireland and welcomed the premature release of hundreds of convicted terrorists, many who were psychopaths, as part of the 'Peace Process'.
I do not believe a man like Kenny MacAskill, was motivated by pressure from Westminster or from his own First Minister to release Megrahi in some sort of sordid trade deal. MacAskill has always been his own man and I believe his claim that nothing other than compassion, which is an integral part of The Scottish Judicial system, motivated him to allow Megrahi to return home to Libya to die.
I am surprised at David Cameron's present position on this matter. It does him no credit. I hope that Brown continues to maintain a dignified silence on the issue on the grounds that it was a decision by a Scottish Justice Secretary.
We should be proud today that we have a man of principle like Kenny Macaskill in our political system and that in the face of predictable condemnation from a barbaric and uncivilised nation that the USA has become, he at least understood the meaning of these words from The Merchant of Venice:
"The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:"


Anonymous said...

Well said and well put Bertie, but I suspect you will have to duck the flak over this.

Anonymous said...

Well said

Ken Gregory said...

Putting my head above the parapit, Bertie, I agree with you that the release was the correct thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Tha Yanks seem to always have trouble putting their Christian money where their Christian mouth is.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Bertie. There was talk this morning of boycotting Scottish goods. Well we will be buying more then.

As you know our nephew is serving attached as PTI to Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

Merciless in battle ... merciful in victory. The Scottish way. They have their own country, their own traditions and their own system of law.

This was a decision about Scotland not about USA or Libya. Well done Jocks.

Vigilante said...

Political assassins and terrorists strike at the life blood of open, constitutional and democratic societies. Absent the death penalty, (which I agree should be abolished), these assholes should rot to death in prison whenever they can be caught and convicted. That's what Megrahi was doing when he was let out, "Scot-Free".

Bertie Biggles said...

Vigilante, nice to have a view from the US of A! You do not seem happy about your former President, GW though, according to your profile!

Anonymous said...

We show compassion by not executing murderers, and allowing them to live in relative luxury - minus their liberty of course. To give them freedom is a step too far.

But you are liberals, and liberals allow many freeedoms, which is why our society is broken.

Vigilante said...

Bertie, George Bush was the greatest unindicted war criminal since Richard Nixon. Tony Baliar comes in 2nd.

Anonymous said...

You'll be campaigning for conjugal rights and holidays for criminals next bertie.