A reader has already told me, in commenting on last night's post (see below), "Bertie, got it wrong again." My answer is "Sir, I will wait and see".
Here is yet another glorious press-release about Euroferries coming to Ramsgate not just with one boat, but TWO and by end of August!
The picture above was recently taken in Tenerife with Bonanza Express tied up alongside the quay. At least it is nearer to Ramsgate than when in Las Palmas and it's lighter with its Euroferries logo missing.
I made it clear when this whole saga began early this year, that I thought a thriving passenger ferry service from Ramsgate would be excellent news if it could be delivered. I was sceptical then and I still am. Recruiting and training harbour and reception staff has started? Services and ticket sales are on-line? Isn't tomorrow the 1st August?
Until I see Bonanza Express arrive and begin zipping backwards and forwards across the briney, I remain a 'Doubting Thomas'. We have had enough of up-beat Press Releases that have proved worthless; let's hope today's latest Press Release isn't just another one.
snap nice to hear you are as sceptical as me
Do not be so sceptical, if OBE says its full steam ahead we must believe everyword he says,we will have dozens ,nay, hundreds of French people rushing to the Shops
in Ramsgate,Broadstairs and to the Turner Contemptable and the last remaing shop ,sorry, shops in Margate.that ferryenough innit!
Why are the two ports concerned so enamoured by an operator that has absolutely no proven track record?
I read that Transeuropa are furious, expect LD Lines to follow.... too many dubious characters lining their own pockets.
The next chapter of the Phantom Fairy Tale, performed by Pantomime characters! Just take a look at the Euroferries website - no change in the last few months! Starting a service in the autumn!!! Surely nobody is daft enough to believe it.
The problem Neptune Watcher, is that a TDC Press Release says it will happen, so of course it will.
Lowly bloggers were ridiculed in the spring for casting doubts on the service starting at the end of March as was indeed, BBC South East's Glenn Campbell. Bloggers of course are a lowly form of animal life and we must know our place!
That process now seems to be repeating itself!
With all the critisism and delays have TDC Invested public money in a very risky business venture just to save face.A figure of a Million pounds has been mentioned for the refubishment of the port.
Oh, I forgot, Bertie - everything TDC says is true! See Euroferries have updated their website - its starting late August now! As we are now in August, you would think they would be taking bookings ..... However, we lowly bloggers who know nothing, have seen it all before
I thought it was only the young that believed in ferry tales!
Lovely, 11.33! Almost fell off seat!
Well, guess what, the updated Euroferries website has reverted back to what it has been saying for months!! Still reckon EF have been watching too much 'Hustle'! Bertie - are you keeping track of the whereabouts of Bonanza?
Neptune Watcher, the link I have been using was:
The last reported movement was into Tenerife from Las Palmas on 21st July. However, it seems to have switched off 'tracker' with this service, as it is described as 'out of range' now. No details are available on this link at the moment since 21st July. I wonder why? Does Fred Olsen and EF not like lowly bloggers following their boats around the oceans? I have also looked at its max/average speed and it does not appear to be that fast after all. Perhaps because it is 10 years old and one of the oldest in service of its type and has run aground in Dec 2008?
EUROFERRIES are responding positively to passenger demand for a fast, efficient and friendly crossing, combined with the use of comfortable seating and attentive cabin crew providing an “in-seat” shopping service. The latest internet technology will further improve our customer experience bringing further added value customer benefits.
This statement from their Press Release makes me laugh !
And for Neptune, you can follow BE on this site, it's a bit slow, so be patient :
with the age and as they say will be brimming with traffic i doubt if it will maintain more than a avarage speed of 32 to 33 knots the same as speedferries managed to achieve overall this does not take into account of mechanical problems which are inevitable in an ageing craft of this type and the delay and reduced speeds it will have to run at on the approach to Ramsgate on the low waters It is doubtfull if they will maintain their 75 minute service.
Thanks 21.16 for that link. It certainly shows BE tied up in Tenerife tonight; at least it was 1min 48secs ago!
Well, EF can't even decide when the phanton ferry service is starting. Their website says August - well its August now! The local press says September, 2 million passengers and a second phantom ferry - wonder where they will rustle that up from! The press also said you would be able to start booking this week - no sign so far. On well, gives us lowly bloggers who know nothing plenty to laugh about!!
You mean to say you cannot book yet? But according to Adscene (IOTG's freebie) we will be treated to a special feature 'marking the contract signing' in tomorrow's IOTG!
What with Thanet Times, Adscene and IOTG making such a fuss, it's either because it's true and not a ferry tale or they hope to get some advertising revenue perhaps? I remain as sceptical as you, Neptune Watcher.
We should just go back in time. Perhaps the local authorities from Ostend en Ramsgate have to see it otherwise. Our two ports do not attract any more. Where is the time of Ostend lines and Sally. Maybe we should privatize TEF.
Let our people work in our ports and on our ships. That will succeed with good policy. Where is the time of the Prins Filip. He was heavy loaded during the summer. That's a ship. We must return to a Belgian/English shipowner. And not with a Slovenian shipowner and crew of croatia. Euro ferries will do the same...
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