It would seem that Dr Steve Ladyman, on behalf of his constituents, has been in correspondence with Mr Brian White at TDC concerning a 15 page legal report prepared by solicitors acting for residents at Dumpton Park Drive that would appear to show that historic access to the TDC owned land was actually through 130 and 132 Dumpton Park Drive. When this land was sold to build the two houses (a Council asset sale in the early 1970s)) no deed of variation was submitted concerning access and it is quite clear that vehicular access has not ocurred for more than 30 years at least,across the 'village green'! Suspicions that TDC owned land is now 'land-locked' appear to be upheld; perhaps was that why a 'land-grab' effort was made by TDC for open land?
Since the successful 'Fete', it would seem that events have moved on quickly, with 'Our Leader' getting to grips with things. Last Wednesday he held a meeting with Cllr Judith Russell, a ward Cllr for the residents, with Mr Brian White and a Planning/Legal Officer and Cllr Russell has been asked to assume the 'link' role between TDC and residents but most importantly TDC has now asked residents to get an independent valuation on TDC's land-locked scrubland. Bertie believes that this will be a serious precursor to negotiations between residents and TDC for a sensible asset sale that will benefit both residents and TDC alike and achieve a 'win win' situation for all involved.
I am delighted that Sandy has taken a grip on the matter and that the situation prescribed in the Cabinet Minutes of Aug 2008 is now at last underway. He might like to consider the 'shabby' treatment that TDC has meted out to residents so far; why his Cabinet directive was not followed; who is to blame (his passed 'sell-by date' Deputy or dissimulating Council Officer) and how TDC is going to deal with a Local Government Ombudsman's Investigation into the issue?
I am delighted to report, however, that the residents (despite being £15,000 out of pocket due to legal fees) would appear to be in a positive and conciliatory mood. The new 'community spirit' that has been engendered is excellent news with the possibility that not only will the Village Green Committee take on maintainance of the 'green' but might even offer TDC the opportunity to add the 'possessory title ' land to the Village Green to enlarge it and support their application to KCC! That would be an outcome!
I wish everyone concerned the very best with this issue now that commensense has broken out at last and wouldn't it be great to see a tree-planted, maintained village green looked after by residents leading onto gardens tendered and cared for by owners rather than scrub-land. TDC might even be able to re-open a public toilet or two with the money obtained from an asset it hadn't realised it owned, with much relief all round?
It still doesnt make sense why TDC keep letting themselves make such mess ups - this was one of at least 3 parcels of land they thought they owned and wanted to sell for building, Knockholt road was another example -subject to Sunley's covenant "to be retained as greenspace in perpuity" once this was pointed out they realised the error of their ways
Northdown house etc, wouldnt checking the deeds be the first port of call before touting things for sale?Interesting in the papers it says Thanet leisureforce only has Northdown house for a 3 year trial period - if there are covenants they will still be valid in 3 years unless the leadership thinks the electorate are so stupid we might forget!
Doesnt say much for Brian White's capability as head of the department charged with these matters?
Why do you always use 1,000 words when 100 would do Bertie? You were told a solution was on the way.
By whom 14.34? I am sorry that a long posting may stretch your powers of retention but I will try and precis for you in future.
Have your fun Bertie, but those who can - do; and those who can't, write paragraphs of drivel in a blog/newspaper/E-mail.
17:53, I have put your comment up which I assume is a follow up to 14:34. I like your amended quotation! What about a relevant comment on the posting and your view on it?
My comment is that all is never as it first seems Bertie. You automatically always assume the worst, and are then egged on by those whose interests are to highlight the negative.
The right question, at the right time, to the right person might be useful - to all parties.
Throwing crud at the front door in the hope that some of it draws a response is seldom useful or successful. In fact it is usually ignored.
13:02, you are probably correct but in this case it seems that the Cabinet decision in August 2008 in regard to Ward Councillor and residents was not actioned then but is now hopefully, 12 months later! If by putting the spot-light on matters, even rather harshly, helps the process along, then I am guilty as charged.
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