Good to see that the Isle of Thanet Gazette is pressing TDC for the truth about housing on Eurokent. It is not surprising that they are not getting it from 'Woger' our Deputy Leader.
Despite being challenged by intrepid reporter Andrew Woodman about The Annual Monitoring Report presented to Cllr Latchford at Cabinet only a few weeks ago that shows (from his own TDC Officers) that there is not a problem about meeting housing targets of 7,500 new dwellings by 2026, he declined an interview, reputedly put the phone down and then issued a statement via the TDC Press Office.
When you realise that 1,983 homes have been completed since 2006; that Planning Consent has already been approved for 4,624 and that leaves only 900 for the next 16 years, one wonders if 'Woger' cannot read what his own Officers tell him, when they predict the target will be met 8 years early with a minimum surplus of 700 houses above target! Well, I for one , give him credit as a Lt Col (Retd) for not having the difficulties of his Leader or Cllr Goodwin, with the English language, so one can only assume he is being deliberately misleading.
Let me quote from yesterday's IOTG:
'Cllr Latchford claimed the council needed to identify more land for homes to meet targets.'
What he will not admit to is the farce that EKO LLP has become since it was formed in the Spring of 2008 and that as a 'director' he now has a problem. One of the 'Strife' Team received a KCC reply to an F o I request about EKO LLP yesterday.
In simple terms EKO LLP cost £519,000 to set up; in 2008/9 it cost £473,665 to run; and to date in 2009/10 it has cost £360,000. ( You need to remember that EKO LLP is a joint partnership between KCC and TDC and holds land at Eurokent (TDC) and Manston Business Park (KCC) bought by the tax-payer!) In addition, KCC built the New Haine Road at a cost of £4,368,000 through Eurokent and EKO LLP signed an agreement to pay this back within 2 years of the original signing in 2008! Very soon!
All costs of EKO LLP are shared equally between KCC and TDC so the cost to TDC has been as follows so far:
1. Cost of setting up EKO LLP and running it for 2 years: £676,083.50p
2. TDC's share of the spine road through Eurokent: £2, 184,000.
Now you might understand why NAO is not happy with EKO LLP at KCC and why we should now be worried as TDC tax-payers. The only assets EKO LLP 'own' are tax-payer's land. Unless they sell some land, (valued at almost £10,000,000 in Aug 2008 and worth less now) they cannot pay for their set-up and operating costs or the costs for the spine road. In simple terms, 'Woger' as a director of EKO LLP, needs to sell Eurokent for housing and pdq. It has nothing to do with TDC's Housing targets at all. It is to bail out the folly of ever setting up EKO LLP!
When you wonder why TDC's basic services around the Isle have been cut back; our toilets closed; our streets unswept and bins not emptied, you might like to consider that TDC has spent over £600,000 since early 2008 just on its share of 'running' EKO LLP, yet alone still needing to find over £2,000,000 to pay for The New Haine Rd!
At least our Labour Cllrs and South Thanet MP are onto the need to retain Eurokent for employment,( as the IOTG pic shows below). I womder if they realise as our MP and Cllrs they will have to pay to get a copy of EKO LLP's overdue accounts from Companies House? So much for democracy in Thanet when even our own Cllrs have to pay for information about their own LLP! The real question that needs to be answered, and soon, by all the TDC Conservative Party Cllrs, is what is their view on this whole matter as opposed to The Ezekiel Party view?
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
3 days ago