Some of you may remember I drew your attention to Cllr Day's not so little 'gaff' being put up in July on a postage stamp sized plot in Berkeley Rd, Birchington. My main gripe was some incredible interpretation of a Planning Inspector's comments on the rejection of a previous application by a TDC Planning Officer that was utterly misleading.
I am sure that the fact that 'Woger' and Simon Day are fellow Birchington Councillors and that 'Woger' was seen being given a 'tour' whilst work was in progress had no bearing on the Full Council giving consent for the monstrosity in Berkeley Rd.
I just find it strange that 'Woger' now sings a different tune about Planning Inspector's reports. Here are Cllr Latchford's comments from a recent TDC Press Release concerning the turning down by a Planning Inspector of an appeal by Lillybrook Developments about some flats they wanted to build at 169 Minnis Rd, Birchington:
"This decision from The Planning Inspector backs our Officers' conclusion that this development would have been out of chracter with the rest of the area. That's an important consideration in deciding any planning application we receive...... "
Here is a snippet from the Planning Inspector talking about the Minnis Rd application that has a vaguely familiar ring to it:
"due to the height, design and position of the flank wall of the proposed building, it would appear incongruous in the street scene and be overbearing .........".
One rule for US and one rule for others, comes to mind here! As so many locals are now saying,
'It could only happen in Fannit'.
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
5 days ago
Thank goodness we have a Councillor who looks after the interests of the local voters..
(as well as his friends) two faced comes to mind.
Of course our councillors look after our interests, unless of course they conflict with their own, in which case the public don't get a hearing let alone consideration. Some members of this council seem only interested in self advancement rather than their communities. Berkeley Road could be seen as such an example.
Yes couldnt agree more - we need people with intregity. Not many in the cabinet i think you could say score well on this one!
We're ready for a change - lets have some local people with the community at heard not their own well being
What I don't understand is why the Conservative Group won't ditch this lot - they are such an embarrassment!
sad ill informed bigots you all
Pray tell us why, Anon of 1800? Do you not realise the dichotomy in the stance taken by Cllr Latchford?
If the Independent Planning Inspector concurrs with TDC Planning, that's GOOD! If TDC Planning disregard an Independant Planning Inspector, that's also GOOD? Huh?
Hm - don't feel sad. Bigot - no I don't think so - just don't like people who abuse their power and position and then spout hypocracy. If there are any bigots in Thanet they are very possibly the three stooges.
Thats typical anyone who disagrees with corruption and misdemenour is a bigot?
What's that the take on local politics by the ruling cabinet supporters?
What a truly sad bunch of people who want to slander a Councillor, but dont have the guts to put their name. If you all feel that a change is needed, why dont you get off your backsides and put yourself forward for Election. I feel sorry for any of the elected members that have to put up with this rubbish from gutless individuals Bertie Biggles for Lord Mayor of Thanet!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one is slandering a Councillor here, 11.08. I am afraid that the electorate expect consistency applied to Planning decisions and not whimsical interpretations. If highlighting the issue by quoting Cllr Latchford's own words, helps lead to consistency then something positive might result. You still do not address the issue or defend your position; is this an admission, by default, that it is indefencible?
I understand that the Planning Committee will be holding a review on the quality of their planning decisions. I don't expect Cllr Day's little project to be on the agenda!
Of course it will not,there was nothing wrong with the planning permission or getting retrospective planning permission.
or was there?
With Pinky and Perky in control they can do anthing they like and the people of Thanet will have to put up with it ,as far as they are concerned they were elected by the People so they can build what they like where they like, and If you do not like it move!
Unfortunately I cannot remember anyone objecting to it .
I think you should go with "or was there?" see Bertie's original post on the subject. But hey, as you say Pinky and Perky's prioties are what count not the residents of Thanet - who are like dirt under their mighty shoes and who should grovel before them.
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