Earlier this evening I was sent the details in the picture above and I am now pleased to reveal a recent picture of a well known Eastcliff Resident known as ECR together with his address, telephone number, bank account, outstanding Harrod's bills and computer IPS details, for those who might be interested in tracking this elusive blogger down.
Despite the fact that the scan above looks as redacted as a typical MP's accounts revealed today, and tells Bertie very little, readers may wish to try and click on it or subject it to manipulation to reveal what is hidden there.
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
Its only the cabinet and Dr Moores obsessed with his identity so they can bully him like they have tried with others? Jo public not interested - they'd be no more fun once his identity was revealed?
I can answer this one Bertie, its the disciples little black book!!!
I say! Not much of a likeness, is it?
I can see Jesus in the photo surely yee shall be blessed ECR
Richard I think you look terriffic
Dickie, old chap, until some beggar redacted it, I am assured that the picture and the size of your Harrod's outstanding account, would have impressed even Lucy!
Does this mean you'll be lining up for the role of The Stig on Top Gear now that Michael Schumacher has blown his cover! See you in the Reasonably Price Car next week then.
After much manipulation and analysis all I have found is 'I hate Moores and that trackworker prol.' 'Mandy 30 quid for half hour.'
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