Hannah has upset one or two people so I am told , because the e-mail sent out had all the individuals concerned e-mail addresses attached so I am sure they will all be receiving some spam mail shortly!
If that wasn't enough, it would appear that our Labour Councillors who also represent us, were not informed of this wonderful event to be held in The Council Chamber before 'Mowice', 'Wodger' and the Cabinet. Less than 2 weeks notice is pretty short notice these days, with everyone leading such busy lives and it does seem odd that Shadow Cabinet members were not informed. Are they not entitled to hear what has to be said by objectors in their 3 minute slots?
I know the cynical will think that objecting in a 3 minute burst of passion is unlikely to sway 'Mowice' and 'Wodger' and the Cabinet despite how compelling , lucid and logical the arguments against flogging off Thanet's assets. Remember, that TDC must be seen to 'consult' and as you deliver your 3 minute spiel, try not to be put off by the yawns, the staring at the ceiling, or the sudden interest in contents of handkerchiefs as you give your heartfelt best.
Has this whole business not got to go to a Full Council to decide? Will the events planned for 17 July actually take place then? I am reliably told that despite Covenants restricting Northdown House and associated buildings, the Northdown House sell-off is still a proposal. I await Will Friend's 3 minutes worth with interest as he can be guarranteed to be impassioned and the whole afternoon, when it happens will be the best entertainment in Margate that day; don't miss it.
TDC watchers will then need to take a very close interest in what happens next and in particular, who the developers and purchaser's are and what they get, how they get it and what they then plan. Has TDC Planning already drawn up its outline concepts that it will require for each location, as that excellent outline for Arlington Arcade does? Is there already a list of preferred purchasers approved.?
Forgive me if I find it difficult to ape all of the 3 monkeys.
You didnt mention the petition,nearly 2000 people don't want the sale of Northdown House too. Remember though petitions are "mischief making" and "anyone gathering them should know better" must include those who sign them too so 2000 of the electorate should know better follows on from our leaders comment.Of course many of those probably knew better than to vote for him in Cliftonville east last time, hope they know better next time and leave the cross out of the box beside his name.
Time for a demo outside the Council Offices on that day?
I got the e-mail telling me about the meeting so, yes, I now have access to loads of e-mail addresses should I wish to contact those people.
Hasn't TDC heard of bcc when sending out e-mails?
only just received paper copy detailing meeting i would have been discriminated against if i wanted a slot to speak as those with email got details on friday!?
talk about cock ups - think that was what opposition might say or dishonest move not giving everyone time to prepare, sounds like other battles think HOOT only heard night before it was proposed to come to a council meeting. Maladministration or deliberate?
anyway we have a 2nd chance to lobby on a traffic light circus
sad people, sad web site
19.55 so says a councillor deciding to pay us a visit?
Let me offer an explanation.
Thanet Council Tories have a Budget problem. They need capital to finance their various adventures in Margate. They need to reduce revenue expendature for the same reason and because they have let the TDC salary bill escalate. They have decided, just like Thatcher in the 70's to sell off assets.
Their first attempt, some months ago failed because they failed to consult the public. They risked criticism from the Auditor for acting arbitrarily.
So, a "policy" document was written, that described various levels of consultation before a decision to sell was made.
Their problem now, is how to obscure the fact that residents dont want many of the assets sold off, but want them used for the public good?
The prefered technique is to hold many different meetings and "consultations", preferably spread over a period of time and a number of locations. That way, if you are lucky you can say that opinion is not clear cut, or that you have listened to criticism or that people have just got fed up and given up.
They just keep on "consulting" until you get the answer they want.
Then they go ahead and do want you intended to do in the first place.
Yes, the Tory Council are indeed sad! Thank you for your observation!
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