Wednesday, 25 March 2009


Some more straws are blowing in the wind about unhappy rumblings from those 'honourable' members of Thanet's Conservative Councillors and members of the Conservative Associations, as opposed to those whose motto is 'My Leader Right or Wrong' and 'Thank you, Sandy for giving me this job or that job'.
9 days have now elapsed since 'Our Leader' has had the opportunity to behave like a 'gentleman' and resign his post as Leader of TDC for behaving in a most vulgar manner on two occasions and bringing his office and his Council into disrepute. He can still do the honourable thing and stand-down as 'Leader' and serve his ward constituents all the better, as their Cllr, until 2011.
I have remarked before, how Cllr Wise has been a most effective hand on the Finances, and I am beginning to wonder if it has crossed his mind that he is the most capable and talented member of Cabinet? What on earth is he doing, propping up a 'duo' who have brought TDC and himself by association, into disrepute? Is it time for the 'King Maker' to become 'King'?
Readers might not be aware that on Monday evening, South and North Thanet Conservatives had AGMs and that last night the Conservative Councillors met for their 'Annual Meeting'. It would seem that a number of Conservative Cllrs were 'otherwise engaged' (perhaps with convenient 'political excuses') , but those who were there, were not all happy with 'Our Leader' and his inappropriate conduct in the past 2 years.
Rather than have a 'festering sore' go untreated for much longer within the Conservative Group, that is bound to have ramifications at the ballot box in due course for some principled Conservative Cllrs who do an excellent job for their wards, might not now be the time for Cllr Wise, a man of undoubted ability and intellect (as opposed to 'interlect'), to step forward and 'unite' The Conservative Councillors in the 2 years left before the next TDC elections.
He has, I believe, strong views that Cllrs should live in the wards they represent (as he does) so that they have their finger on the 'pulse' and actually know what is going on in their wards and what worries their constituents have. This is perhaps a subtle criticism of 'Our Leader' who moved from Palm Bay some time ago, and of a sycophantic (ex-Labour) Chair of Planning, who is out in the 'sticks' and hardly seen in St Peter's, according to locals.
I suppose we must all wait to see how our Conservative members deal with the present embarrassment. I suspect, having seen (ex- Labour) Cllr Gregory leap forward to promote his Leader's policy at a Full Council Planning meeting in October last year in an extraordinary manner, that last night he was probably to the fore in 'My Leader right or wrong' as his current 'Chair' was a 'gift' from 'Our Leader' in quite extraordinary circumstances last year.
I suppose it is too much to expect some to adhere to principles, when their 'self-interest', egos and 'position' are at stake?


Anonymous said...

Councillors and principles. They are not two words that are likely to meet here in Thanet!

Anonymous said...

Councillors and self interest seem to be the words that fuse together in Thanet.

Anonymous said...

So long as Cllr. Ezekiel doesn't follow his fellow party member from Thurrock who has now left the Tories to join Labour. Somehow I doubt he'd be welcome.

Cllr. Gregory is, as far as St. Peter's goes, an invisible elected member who, despite his claim that he walks the ward twice a week (really?) wouldn't be recognised by anyone living there. Perhaps with the road works still going on he might think about at least popping in to the shops. Perhaps not. I doubt he'd be welcome.

Bertie Biggles said...

00.32 and 07.21, you should not unfairly label all TDC Councillors just because a minority may not be driven by the finest of motives!

There are many excellent, hard-working and public spirited Councillors, Conservative, Labour and Independent, just trying to do their best for Thanet. We perhaps just don't have them in sufficient numbers within the present Conservative administration to make any changes.

Anonymous said...

You were there then on Monday night? I don't think so, otherwise you would have correctly reported that a vote of confidence in the Leader was raised, and of those there, only three abstained. Those who did not attend had legitimate reasons for not doing so.

Isn't it about time you drew a line under this episode, Sandys group has stood by him, very aware of the move that the opposition has tried to make in ousting him. Yes he was naieve in what he did, but who amongst hasn't been at times.

This man and his family have put up with a constant battering from the opposition, sometimes on a personal level, which is just not acceptable.

Its very easy to sit in our glass houses and ivory towers and pass judgement, but i don't suppose for one minute you have taken the time to talk to him or his family have you, you will listen to the gossip and drivel that is put out, no doubt by the opposition.

Anonymous said...

MW as leader?
Be careful what you wish for.

Personally I think Chris Wells would be better...

Bertie Biggles said...

Thank you for your comment 10.07. It is depressing to see that the 'spin' on the 3 counts of failing to maintain standards is still some 'dastardly attack and conspiracy' by Labour to get at him, just because he is a Conservative Leader.

You know perfectly well that is not the case and so do those Conservative Councillors who nevertheless continue to lend him their support.

If it is the local party's wish to support Cllr Ezekiel despite his failures to conduct himself appropriately, then that is your decision and you must stand by it. Integrity is a quality, that once lost, is never regained. I am saddened by the whole sorry business.

Anonymous said...

Just because of one bad egg there is no need to throw the rest out,there are some very good Councillors doing an excellent job from Conservatives ,Labour and the Independents.

I personaly support the Lib Dems but We live in a democracy and the public have made their choice , we may not like it at the present but have our chance to make a change in 2011

On principle the Leader of Thanet Council Should resign and let someone else a little less robust take over, he made an error of judgement on a couple occasions
which has not gone down to well with the public and fellow Councillors,
Sorry Councillor it is time for a change at the top.

Anonymous said...

North Thanet Conservatives agm is this friday, the TDC group meeting was tuesday and not an agm, seems your 'spies' are not worth much

Anonymous said...

0803, nice to prospective KCC candidate Jenny Matterface on here

Bertie Biggles said...

Thanks for that 14.22 and 14.29. Nice to have prospective Cllrs as well as Cllrs visiting Strife.

I am glad I didn't go down to Birchington on Monday then! Must have mis-read Mike Jarvis' letter sent to all NTCA members.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Bill hayton has the proverbial 'chip' on his shoulder.
Oh who got the Bu*s rush at the Conservatives group meeting.??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 14.29 your point being? She's done a great deal more than you or your fellow councillors who represent St. Peter's.

Anonymous said...

"I suppose it is too much to expect some to adhere to principles, when their 'self-interest', egos and 'position' are at stake?"

You sum up the situation perfectly Bertie.

Anonymous said...

10.07 "Sandys group has stood by him" This is the most worrying aspect of the whole sorry mess. All Conservative Councillors are painting themselves with the same brush. We have a discredited leader and deputy who appear to have full party support. Looks like Thanet will buck the trend at the next local elections. Voters will have no confidence in any of them.

Anonymous said...

Makes me sorry to be a Conservative in Thanet with all this - think you call it "cowardly", no-one will stand up and be counted for highlighting bad behaviour,its like parents of a naughty teenager.
All the "lackeys" can say is that it is an opposition ruse. How mistaken you are - decent conservatives are appalled by this ridicule.Bertie is speaking up for decent conservatives, the opposition are bothered who the leader is - they are just appalled by the brush they are being tarred by!(since they are also members of TDC)

Bertie Biggles said...

19.26, I cannot remember mentioning Cllr Hayton in this post but you are remarkably well informed. I must assume you are a Cllr supporting 'My Leader' right or wrong?

I could be wrong but my information is that Cllr Hayton has no aspirations in regard to 'Leadership' but does still retain his principles about how he expects 'The Leader' of his Party and his Council to conduct himself in public. This is what used to be described as integrity. Bill Hayton appears to have it and you don't; it's as simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Bertie according to the Thanet Gazette, the leader survived a vote of confidence - tell us what you have heard - nothing mentioned so far? is it another case of getting the story wrong?

Anonymous said...

you need to look at Haytons involvement with the 'split' that occoured within the conservative group on TDC in the early 1990's.
Also with his involvement in the local police coruption.

Anonymous said...

Anon 26 March 10.07, it is not (just) the Labour Party, but a large number of non-politically affiliated electors in Thanet who are disgusted by the Tory Leadership and feel they should go.

Are you suggesting that the electorate should not be able to set the agenda, and to pursue it until they get satisfaction?

Why should they be told to draw a line under and forget behaviour that is clearly unacceptable? Why should they be asked to overlook the appalling example being set by political leaders?

Bertie Biggles said...

12.26, I think the IOTG may well have reported this accurately and probably was told by the person who proposed 'a vote of confidence'. All you have to ask yourself is " Who is the most sycophantic Conservative Cllr who always rushes forward to do his Leader's bidding and who would be likely to lose a post, if his Leader was sacked?" Then shortlist from 17?

12.32, I have left your post up as its reference to Cllr Hayton and police corruption is ambiguous and I am assuming you are referring to the attempt by some very principled Conservatives to clean up all sorts of nasty goings on in TDC in the late 80s. Such activity is of course anathema to those who seem to follow the line 'My Party , Right or Wrong'!

Ericl said...

Anonymous 10.07 obviously one of the leaders chosen ones stated quite clearly that at the Conservative group meeting three members abstained when the vote of confidence in the leader and his deputy was put forward but failed to mention that two councillors Hayton and Savage voted against the proposition. I suspect that the vote by a show of hand was slightly too much pressure for some of the rest of the Conservative group. The six councillors who were not in attendance will no doubt be there at the group’s AGM and will take part in a secret ballot if there is to be leadership challenge. I know of the leader’s misconduct and in my humble opinion should not even be one of my representatives of council.
