'Thanetlife' is almost back to what it used to be whilst ECR is taking a break and Dave Green on Eastcliff Matters appears to have been silenced again or 'bloggered'. I wonder if Standards are being called in and is it something to do with heaps of rubbish and a 'bin-lady'? Perhaps 'Mauwice' has realised that 'Our Ken' needs a bit of help in countering all the Labour Councillors Blogs and hence 'Life' is setting about Mark Nottingham's sartorial habits. A gentleman should never comment about another chap's sartorial indiscretions; it is just not done, Simon.
We had TDC talking to 'Euroferries' in Ramsgate Harbour but with whom they were actually in discussion with remains a mystery as Euroferries seems an odd looking set up and a 'name' only; it's whether there are serious investors behind them that is the real question? And if so, who are they?
BAWC/GSS buzzed into Manston to talk to that nice New Zealander and eye up the real estate whilst residents of Ramsgate were shaken out of bed at 05.30 am last Sunday. I am not really up to all this S.106 business rushed through by TDC last week, but it seems to me that unless you actually have penalty clauses for 747s coming in or going out when they shouldn't be, effectively you have a 106 agreement that is meaningless and Manston, in reality, is 'open all hours'.
The 'pot-hole' in Grafton Road has not only been filled in but no sooner had I questioned 'Why not repair the whole mini-network of holes there?', blow me down, the whole area in Grafton Road has been given a make-over by KCC! Well done for them .
On the subject of 'holes', the lack of serious industrious activity in Southern Gas' hole in St Peter's is being closely monitored by locals, even if not by their Tory Councillors. A man watching another man working was heard to say " This elfansafety inspector sez the 'ole size ain't right and we might 'ave to stop'. I hadn't realised they had done that much so far. How's that song go...?
"Don't dig 'ere, dig it elsewhere, yor diggin it round an it outa be square............"
The move to a new building has obviously taken the Gazunder team time to adjust to, as the screaming front page this week told us about the 'bin strike' that never was. An awful fuss about nothing, (reminds me of China Gateway now), but at least IOTG got its money from TDC for the full page advert advising us 'Friday and Monday people' not to put our rubbish out. How will TDC now collect rubbish for those who obeyed the missive from their Council ? All a bit of a mess for the 'bin-lady' to sort out?
Having speculated earlier in 'Strife' as to the reason behind all these Tory Councillors being roped in by Mauwice to be 'lead members' on portfolios (unkindly described as jobs for the boys and girls) I am still of the opinion that it is to 'bolster' his position. Despite denials that extra 'dosh' was going to be involved, it is interesting that £500 extra for each Councillor involved had actually been agreed by 'The Remuneration wallahs' but 'will not be taken up'. I wonder why not? Nothing about reducing 'dosh' for those with less to do, though, like 'Woger'.
All is now in place for elections for Ramsgate Town Councillors to take place at the same time as the KCC Elections but should prospective Ramsgate Town Councillor's be wary? Having heard this week about the toxic mess that still has to be sorted at Thor, I was surprised to hear a rumour from Ramsgate that a 'toxic debt' from TDC is coming the new Council's way. It all seems odd but it would appear to be about 'allotments'. Is TDC really about to hand Ramsgate Town Council an immediate financial 'poisoned-chalice' for G'OD and other Councillors who might get elected? Rumour is that the planned 'precept' needs to be doubled. TDC hates the idea of a Ramsgate Council and is this a petty way to nobble this upstart 'body' at its inception?