It was nice to get away from Thanet, even with mobiles ringing like mad on Monday evening as friends passed on the hot news of conflagration on Dreamland site. The Mirror on Tuesday brought the picture and pathetic headline "Roller Toaster" and Thanet into the hols. The Telegraph on Wednesday revealed that Oasis Hong Kong had gone bust and as I expected, pleased ECR but was perhaps not such good news to Thanet Treehuggers; I hope they had their sponsorship money safely banked.
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
Welcome back from your sojourn in the north, I would appreciate any thoughts you have on the environment agency’s report on Pleasurama, I couldn’t find an email address for you but you can find details on me blog
Thanks, Michael. Have been across to visit and have read the report you managed to obtain; good for you! I will put comments about it with Thanetonline.
Thanks Bertie I am still trying to get an idea of the best way to proceed, the idea being to get the best result for Thanet (difficult) as opposed to making TDC look stupid.
A safe result is needed Michael for businesses and residents of the proposed development; keep at it!
I am pleased to say that the Infratil/Oasis Hedgerow on Shottendane Road has been planted and that Oasis co-sponsored it in full. Trees for Thanet is saddened to hear that Oasis has folded since sponsoring our project and that some very decent people working for them will now be un-employed.
Paul Wells
Paul, glad to hear that you had sponsor money sorted. I must say I had hoped that Oasis, instead of flying around Manston, would have switched to here instead of Gatwick. We might yet see A380 airbuses of Singapore Airlines doing circuits; a big wow factor unless they pass over your Clifftop mansion every 9 minutes or so.
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