It would be curmudgeonly of me not to congratulate Ian Gregory for being elected to sit on Broadstairs Town Council on behalf of Bradstowe Ward. Exact figures are not Norah's strongpoint, but she is trying hard to be re-instated as an analyst, and when she arrived this morning was able to tell me the rough voting figures: Ian Gregory 400+, Ian Driver (Ind) 100+, Roger Lee(Lab) 100+ and Jane Burgess (IAP) 75.
A quick phone-call to the Town Hall in Broadstairs to track down the accurate voting figures was a waste of time; they don't even know who won let, alone figures!
The Bradstowe Ward Burghers of Broadstairs have made their choice even if their Town Council seems to be unconcerned about it.
Click to expand the historic Thanet pictures, some thoughts on shops and
shopping in Ramsgate and of course a Christmas ramble
So starting with some archive photos of Ramsgate shops.
Of course back in the day Ramsgate was full of, "are you being served"
shops, a situation base...
2 weeks ago
Gregory 410
Driver 122
Lee 104
Burges 73.
Turn-out a staggering 21%
Thanks 10.45! Is 21% quite good considering the TCs attempts to play it quietly?
PRESS RELEASE from Cllr John Worrow
At the last meeting of the Independent Action Executive Committee, it was agreed that the party's South Thanet representative, Jane Burges is to replace Dr Jack Cohen as Party Chairman.
A motion was carried unanimously.
Cllr Jean Fleming, Deputy Leader
Thanks 17.06.
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