Regular readers will know that I view the entertainment presented for our delectation at Palm Bay this week-end with a certain degree of scepticism. A regular reader has reported that 'Woger' made an announcement towards the end of the 'Games' to thank the sponsors.
My correspondent tells me Cllr Latchford was on the stage saying how lucky we were to have such sponsors to pay for the wonderful 2 days and without them it wouldnt have taken place. Apparently no-one apart from her was listening to 'Woger' otherwise they might have wondered why Commercial Group Properties had been accepted by TDC as 'sponsors' alongside the truly public spirited FM Group!
Of course it has nothing to do with distracting the plebians or influencing our council whilst CGP has a planning application before the Council to build on Thanet's agricultural land and water supply.
I am beginning to think that TDC's acceptance of CGP's sponsorship was about as un-wise as Thanet South Labour's acceptance of CGP's donation of £25,000 last year. We should expect everyone involved with a major planning application like CGP's China Gateway project to decline such generous financial support as it compromises their position morally, and possibly legally, in making an unbiased judgement on behalf of Thanet's citizens.
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
Well done Roger.. I was there, and it was great. My children have not stopped talking about the Air show
Lee H
And so they shouldn't, Lee. It's when the rest of us continue to behave like children that worries me.
Hole thing stinks, just like the council heirarchy!
I feel sorry for the decent well meaning councillors who have to work with this shower.
There again, I suppose if the rest had any backbone and any moral fibre, they would deal with them from within.
As they don't bother, it makes me feel that the whole lot are a gutless bunch of idiots out to make a name for themselves following whatever aganda they have.
Shame that they must sink the rest of us as well!
Interesting that when a Labour Council some years ago wanted to have an air show to boost tourism all the emergency services opposed it on safety grounds.
Tory-controlled council:- there would appear to be no objections from the services or perhaps they were ignored?
Mercifully, no accidents but the emergency services were seriously worried about anmid-air collision or similar dreadful accident.
You people really are a sad lot. 65000 people went to the air show, and all you green eyed monsters can do is judge others on things that you did not witness.
Write what you want, say what you what. The vast majority of Thanet are not with you.
Jack Cohen
08.00; you still miss the point. I am sure the Roman mob left the Coliseum as equally enthralled at 'games' laid on for it as did 65,000 people you claim attended over the 2 days down at Palm Bay. The ploy of distracting the 'plebs' from the real issues is something leaders have been playing for 2000 years or more. Sponsorship from CGP was a cheap cynical manoevre that TDC accepted when our Councillors should be taking close critical examination on our behalf of CGP's planning application for China gateway.
I think J.C. of 08.00 has got confused with his numbers it was closer to 6,500
I have had to remove 2 comments placed on this post of a libellous nature and making unsubstantiated comments about the integrity of Councillors. Could I please ask all readers and commentators to remember that the law of libel applies to blogs and that wild allegations are not acceptable.
If you have evidence of impropriety then present it the the appropriate authority.
J.C. has completely missed the point Bertie was making. No-one objects to entertainment being provided for the masses. What he and we have been questioning is whether a developer who has a major planning application (possibly the biggest industrial development in Thanet ever)currently sitting on the planning officer desk, should be handing over money to get his company's name in the frame. Had he sponsored last year's event or even next year's no-one would be too concerned but this year's? that's a different matter.
If he sponsors our fun, let him do what he wants
A view shared I imagine by some of the citizens of Rome as they watched the odd Christian or two fed to the lions by the emperor Nero.
I'm delighted that TDC have managed to run something successful in Thanet, however that is not what this is all about.
It is about wheather it is correct for a council to accept funding from a planning applicant!!
Quite simple really for the rest of you idiots. Not saying the Council should not have an air show, just that it is not wise for them to 'appear' to be in cahoots with someone laying down the most contentious planning application!
It was great that the airshow continued, and enjoyed by so many. But sponsorship by CGP does smack that everyone has jumped in the same bed and as usual the final decision is a matter of rubber stamping. The public are becoming detached from the decisions of councils, and this detrimental to the basis of democracy.
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