For its size , there is no doubt that Westgate does Christmas in style that shames Northdown Road, in Cliftonville; from the Christmas Street Party on Saturday 6th December to the lights!
I have read Cllr Simon Moores expressing concerns about DJ Ellis Construction wanting to build on the narrow strip of land from The The Mad Potter down to the Public Conveniences. (see ).
This strip, including about 30' that is used by The Mad Potter for storage, has long been an unsightly DJ Ellis storage area beside the railway. I have been unable to access the planning application (F/TH/08/1393) to have some idea of the proposals but believe that if done carefully and in keeping with the shops on the North side of Station Road, this has got to be good news. The picture below shows how the former ' Station Office' has been constructed in the same sized strip between Station Road and the Station platform.
Talking with the proprietors of Beano's and The Mad Potter revealed that they would support construction for offices and have no objections. I am sure that if a pavement is inserted and car-parking space is still available, a suitable modern office building in 'mock' Victorian/Edwardian style would fit in quite nicely and enhance this very unique area of Thanet that still retains its 'village' character and community identity. I hope that Westgate Councillors will 'call-in' this proposal and thus ensure that it fits in well into the 'village-scape'.
A hideous modern block would be visual vandalism and our Councillors have only to see what can be perpetrated on small plots of land in Thanet by looking at Cllr Day's building in Birchington. If they get this building right it would not only provide valuable construction work in the area but would also enhance this part of the 'village'.
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
Bertie, all for development on that plot, a site of a huge bomb crater during the last war I believe. I feel though that to produce a mock version of anything as you suggest shows a lack of confidence in our own abilities and creativity. I suggest that modern archtectural design can be blended just as well with Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian designs and we should not default to our safety zone of mock Victorian or Edwardian style because we haven't the guts to express ourselves. We can produce quite amazing architecture and balance that with the local environment.
I probably think of playing safe as an option Dave, in order to reduce oposition to development here. If a modern design can do the trick and get approval from Councillors then thats fine with me.
now on ukplanning!!;jsessionid=6EFA48EC12A7563F977B434E7D29DBA9.wam1?action=show&appType=planning%20folder&appNumber=F/TH/08/1393
mmm.... Now on UKPlanning!;jsessionid=6EFA48EC12A7563F977B434E7D29DBA9.wam1?action=show&appType=planning%20folder&appNumber=F/TH/08/1393
Thanks 14.56 and Rob.
Question: Is it necessary to build there in the first place? There are plenty of other areas to choose from
Westgate really is a bit special, everyone no's its really westgate that is in fact the 'jewel in Thanet' not the over-hyped Broadstairs! I would of thought someone as westgate minded as DJ Ellis wont do anything to spoil it, Happy Christmas.
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