Friday 5 December 2008


How right 'Mauwice' is, I thought, as I arrived at Page 21 of today's IOTG. We will be paying for the Turner Centre for years.

However, the momentary thought that Bertie and 'Our Leader' might at last be agreeing on a topic was soon dispelled.

Of course we know that we will all be paying for Brown's profligacy with tax-payer's money for years ahead but cannot KCC and TDC realise that they are and have been part of the same game in wasting tax-payers money? How many extra posts have been created in local Government that could be dispensed with and should we really be paying the bloated salaries and gold-plated pensions? Before slinging 'brick-bats' at Central Government it would be nice if our Conservative Councils could exercise more restraint in profligate waste of our money.


Anonymous said...

"Pot" meet "kettle" I think.

Anonymous said...

Would be interested to know what you think is a waste of taxpayers money Bertie. Then we could all write to them and tell them to cut it.

Bertie Biggles said...

How many 'smoking ban enforcement officers were employed by TDC and ended up 'raiding' Frank's pub in Ramsgate? That's just a start,
19.47. If I remember it was 2? Are they still employed?

Anonymous said...

Government legislation requirement Bertie. Nobody in their right mind would want to do that given the budget situation.

Bertie Biggles said...

Enforcement was the requirement 10.15, not how you did it?

Anonymous said...

I doubt you will find people whose specific job is to visit pubs on the payroll Bertie. But presumably you think that the government should not spend money trying to stop people smoking, when they cost tax payers billions each year?

Isn't that an investment too?

Bertie Biggles said...

20.08, TDC advertised in the spring of 2007 for 2 smoking ban enforcement officers. The decision whether to smoke or not should be a matter of personal choice. Smokers on 20 day are effectively making a voluntary tax contribution to the exchequer of almost £1,500 per year. They have already paid for their bed in intensive care when their habit brings them to it and they die younger thus being less of a pension burden and nursing home cost to the tax payer. Whilst I would not encourage smoking, it is an individual life-style choice that no longer impinges on non-smokers, so leave them to it.

Anonymous said...

Wekk clearly the government thinks differently, so I agree we need a change of government.

And where else do you suggest the council is wasting your money? Bearing in mind what you think is a waste, other residents might think is usefully spent?