Wednesday 31 December 2008

TOY TOWN - THE TESCO BAG CHRONICLES (Part 6 - The Tesco Bag Finds a New Home)

The sun rose over a peaceful Toytown as Dennis sleepily scratched at a flea and yawned. He heard some-one in the kitchen and cautiously padded along the hall.

" LARRY! You scared the living daylights out of me. Where have you been?"
" So-ooorry, Dennis. I have been hi--iding out with Mr & Mrs Noah, they always have plenty of space." Larry replied. " Did everyone believe my cover story about being in Penrith?"

" Worked a treat, Larry. Townhall Mole burrowed in to say that Mr Mayor and The Bumbling Magician seem to think that The Tesco Bag was handed in to the police in Penrith, which means Captain Brass and The Pirates will think that too. By the way, where is the Tesco Bag?"
"Ba-aacck under the stairs, Dennis." Larry paused and scratched his belly with his front hoof. "You haven't got little guests again have you, Dennis? Anyway, we'll sort them out later. Mr Goose was at The Noah's and he gave me an idea .We've got some work to get on with."
Later that morning the telephone rang in two offices.
"Come on Window!" shouted Det Sgt Topaton in The Serious Economic Crimes Unit Office in Arkville to his colleague DC Window. " You and I are off to Toytown in pursuit of a lead and to look inside a Tesco bag. There is nothing I like better than getting on the trail of a little bit of graft and corruption, m'boy. Put that Lodge Newsletter back in your drawer and for goodness sake roll down your right trouser leg".
"Fillet !" shouted Boris the Bear, breaking the normal somnolent quiet of The ToyTown Gazunder newsroom. Fillet the Fish, woke up with a start. "Grab the camera, tape-recorder and sharpen your pencil. We're off to peer into a Tesco bag and find out why 'Your Toytown' felt a story was too hot to handle."
Dennis, in between regular hard scratches behind his ear, was nervously hopping from paw to paw.
"Larry" said Dennis, as he watched Boris The Bear scribbling into his note-book whilst Fillet the Fish was recording telephone messages and photographing papers, " What will happen if the doorbell rings and the Serious Economic 'whatsit' guys are at the door?"
The doorbell rang. "Hello, hello, Mr Lamb. Here is my ID and could I introduce my colleague DC Window. Now where is this Tesco Bag?"
Down at The Toytown Gazunder Office, Fillet the Fish and Boris the Bear were in deep consultation with The Top Predator.
After two hours of scribbling into his note-book, Det Sgt Topaton said "Well, Mr Lamb, that's an interesting story and we will have to look into this matter a litlle further. Would you sign here that you have transferred the Tesco Bag into my posession, sir."
"Gla--aadly" said Larry, "You've no idea what a relief this is."
As Det Sgt Topaton and DC Window were going out of the front door, Topaton stopped and turned round. " You know Mr Lamb, that you would have been better getting in contact with us at the beginning. You realise that any self-respecting scoundrel would have removed any incriminating evidence by now. Is there ANY-ONE in Toytown who has not dipped into the Tesco Bag?"
That evening, Larry and Dennis were lying on the balcony enjoying the sunset and admiring the way the light was reflecting off the spiralling smoke coming from the icinerator at the back of Toytown Townhall.
"Did we do the right thing, today?" asked Dennis.
"I just d0---ont know, De-eenis." replied Larry. "We will have to wait and see 'till we get back from our jaunt to Ibiza. Are your bags packed? You know the taxi is due anytime and for goodness sake, stop scratching!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rather valuable information