Its nice to see a whole page advert telling me what a wonderful job, the Thanet Community Safety Partnership (TCSP)is going to do. The last '3 Year Plan' didn't end up with more tractors being built, I mean crime being reduced. (All these 5 year and 3 year plans are so reminiscent of Stalinist USSR). In fact crime went up 3.6%.
So what we now have is another £220,000 of tax-payers money being given to TCSP to 'do better' and the first thing they do is take out a page advert in The Isle's Gazette to tell us their targets. They might like to save our money and just get on with the job.
I hope Thom Morris's report that they intend to provide areas for grafitti 'artists' to create murals rather than cause criminal damage is not correct. What utter nonsense. Most of the grafitti adorning our streets is unsightly tagging which is vandalism , not artistic. Why restrict such 'good wheezes' to grafitti vandals? Why not buy some houses to allow our arsonists to practice their skills? Why not put bus shelters in play areas so that vandals can de-stress by kicking in the glass panels.? I rather like the idea of starting a social drinking course at The Powell in Birchington, paid for by TCSP, so that drunk and disorderly elements can follow their hobby; might be worth knocking off a PCSOs hat on Marine Terrace when I get up and about again.
What do you think?
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
spare, barely used piece of tarmac i can speed on? Thats a much better use for Manston
Steve, get on to Infratil and ask if you could use their concrete in between flights of freighters and Oasis 747s doing circuits.
"I hope Thom Morris's report that they intend to provide areas for grafitti 'artists' to create murals rather than cause criminal damage is not correct."
Bertie old boy, of course it is true. I wrote the report!
Thom,my dear chap, how ghastly. In that case, you must suggest that TDC allocates spray cans and 'yuff workers'to do some arty-fart grafitti on the allotment fencing but without disturbing Meles meles!
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