An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
My favourite crucifiction painting.
We have forsaken Him.
Quite an interesting remark bearing multiple personality anomalies in mind.
The "moment of sanity before death" observed over centuries in those "possessed by demon spirits"
Science knows (by careful monitoring of cooling of a corpse) that there is energy stored at death which is lost by means other than heat loss. (Personality or personalities radiating into the EM ether ?)
The interesting bit is if a multiple personality is brought close to death have all but one of his personalities already radiated ?
Hence "Why hast thou forsaken me" ?
On top of the near death experience and having an identical twin there appears to have been two people to carry off the resurrection con trick.
But what did it take ? Foive centuries and a majority vote by the Catholics before the lad was declared the Son of God ?
Not bad for a twin from a shepherd community in which twins were called a miraculous birth and "Lambs of God".
Now for a more serious shepherd moment.
Shepherd and Neame.
As a boy, Sue, I first saw Dali's Christ of St John of The Cross in 1961 in a museum in Glasgow on a school trip. It was later attacked by a woman with a knife but was restored. Its imagery is strong.
I left this picture without comment to mark Good Friday and to make the point that we are no longer a Christian land.
Christians of all denominations regard the Death and Resurrection of Christ as the most important religious event of the year. Its significance is now ignored by the majority in this country other than as yet another 'Bank Holiday'.
Whilst I may have lost my faith, I still respect this special time for Christians, 19.27, which you clearly do not. I admit to having considered removing your post as being offensive to any Christian readers of this blog. I decided to leave it as an example of how we have not only ceased to be a Christian country but that tolerant respect of the Christian faith has also been lost. I hope you found solace in your 'Shepherd',19.27, but I suspect not; nevertheless, 'Peace be with you'.
What a pity that those comments were not taken down.
I must say that 19.27s comments sadly reflect the ignorance and offensiveness that now fills the country.
I liked it and there are some of us left who find this date important. Hopefully faith will return.
I grew up in Glasgow where the city corporation bought this painting to howls of derision from certain circles. Now it is iconic and by far my favourite religious painting. I used to go to the Kelvingrove Museum where it used to be housed just to admire Dali's work. Christ neither of this world or the next. It's now in the Museum of Religious Art in the city.
Isn't it strange 12.54 that Christians are villified in this country by today's hedonists. Perhaps our approach should be'Father, forgive them, they know not what theyare doing'.
Glad to see another Kelvinside visitor appreciated Glasgow Corporation's purchase for £8,500, 16.57. Do the locals of that part of Glasgow still speak a refined version of Glaswegian? As a 'sassenach' they were the only Scots I could understand for my first few months in Glasgow.
Do you mean 'do the locals still speak Kelvinside i.e. posh or pan loaf'? Pan loaf, for you southerners, being bread with crusts all round rather than plain bread that only had a crust on top!! Probably not now as Glasgow is even more multicultural than many cities south of the border.
The principles and values of christianity underpin much of what is admired and held dear in our society. Its constant villification, by those who believe their religion, either recognised, pseudo, or simply shopping, diminishes all our lives.
Even if you do not believe, I wonder why it is too much to ask of others tolerence, that we should recognise , and celebrate, such a great festival and story.
To misquote a great non christian thought - all it requires for evil to be done is for good men to stand by and do nothing. Wether you believe Christ is your personal Saviour or not, his followers tend to be a force for good in all our worlds.
Chris, absolutely right.
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