Readers will know from my item below 'TURF WAR IN THANET?', that I went out on a limb with an interpretation of the blaze in Tivoli Amusements on Friday. Nick from Whitstable, has drawn our attention to KMs story on that sheds more light on the situation. I copy his 'post' below:
"Anybody interested in this should look at kent for the latest turn of events - two men seen running into the arcade and spraying petrol about the place before running out the back door to a get away car is the latest news.Turf war theory should not be ruled out.Below are the opening paragraps of the storyTwo men walked into a Kent seafront amusement arcade before spraying gaming machines with petrol and setting them alight, causing more than £500,000 damage.Detectives say the pair escaped through a rear door at Tivoli amusement centre at around 5pm on Friday.The petrol was contained in a yellow carrier bag and a rucksack carried by the men. It is thought they drove off in a dark-blue old style Volvo that was parked off the seafront in Belgrave Road. It was found abandoned and burnt out in Grosvenor Place in the town minutes later.Both suspects are white males in their 30s; one is 6ft 1in tall, the other 5ft 11in tall. They were both wearing cream coloured tops and baseball caps, and one wore sunglasses.Police are working with CCTV footage from inside and outside the building as part of the investigation.A police spokesman said there were 10 people inside the arcade at the time, and that the fire was lit in front of an office at the rear of the premises.She added: "It was extremely lucky there were no fatalities."
BTW w- you're quick to mention the awful IOT gazunder but not the august KM Extra in your stories. If you do net get a copy thru your door, please call KM distribution on 01843 296969.Nick, Whitstable"
Thanks Nick!
I popped across to kentonline and also found this snippet at the end of the item:
"Water damage was also caused to the neighbouring DV8 nightclub during the operation."
The unanswered question at the moment is was the damage intended for Tivoli or DV8 Nightclub? I still suscribe to the theory raised in my original post. DV8 was locked up at the time and only maniacs would throw petrol around in a crowded basement club with bouncers/heavies around. Water damage can be as effective in nobbling premises as fire damage is. My sympathies are with Tivoli for being in the firing line!
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
One assumes you mention the gazunder because that has news in rather than the KM which has press releases.
If you look at the it says the owners were receiving threats!
DV8 or Dave Bean at Tivoli Arcade?
Thanks 10.47! If the two are owned by the same set up then an arson attack has a double whammy! The comment on threats confirms the 'buzz on the street' last week! I will have to sack Norah, my 'char' lady if Dave Bean, as owner of Tivoli, was erroneous int.
OK anon 9.43, And the gazunder doesn't use press releases? Get real. There isn't a local newspaper in the country which doesn't rely heavily on PR handouts these days. OK, it's what they do with them that really counts but local papers in Kent are short staffed and their journos not that well paid and pressure is always on to produce copy in shorter deadlines
Thanet is an area where
(1) The Police Area Commander was writing a regulare feature, in the IoT Gazette, from an exchange posting in Australia. On his return he did anot re-assume Command but was posted top Force HQ apparently in a position he had previously held when two ranls lower. The replacament area Commander was Head of Force Special Branch. It appears that there had been an area inspection by HM Inspector of Constabulary whilst the former Area Commander was absented in Australia. Can such a localized HMI investigation only occur on Home Secretary sanction (I don't know). ?
(2) An HM Coroner stood down in the inquests following a Margate Police Custody death. There were reports of concern previously sent to HM Coroner and Attorney General that the Thanet Police Area Commander and the Coroners Officer (both open case Kent Police Deal barracks terrorist bombing police witnesses) would be cross case compromised if a charity called "Inquest" followed through with plans to appeal the Thanet Inquest (if it continued).
(3) A local landowner called in MOD over the heads of Kent Police to cause withdrawal of a Thanet Gun range safety certificate. Amidst many refuesd crime complaints to police of unlawful paramilitary training (including whilst off duty officers on the range) and possession and use of unlawful burst firing firearms.
(4) After having all THIRTY complaints against police refused complaint or crime complaint statusd by former Chief constable Phillips, Chair of a Residents Group John Allen was instrumental in bringing about the change of Police Complaints Law which came into force April 2004.
NONE of this got reported in IoT Gazette.
Associated with the above matters is a history of refused crime complaints of sabotage of backup generators consistent with Stage Three of the IRA terrorist Garland Plan.
I don't think KM Group has a history of being too keen to report on that. Like the call for inquiry by Kent Police Authority.
Now which holder of numerous Queens Awards to Industry is a major shareholder of KM Group ?
Anon 18.49 - It would be very difficult for any local paper to attempt to prove that what you claim is even halfway true. Put your claims into print and you'll be on the wrong end of a 10 stretch before you know it!
There just isn't the time and the manpower to devote to these issues. Breaking laws of libel work out expensive. Usually, when a case is lost, the publisher pays the fine, the editor goes to jail and the reporter gets the sack!
Perhaps that's the joy of the internet - for the moment at least. Seemingly daft and difficult to prove theories can have near free rein at the discretion of the service/web blog providers!
Thanet residents are very fortunate in having a wide range of media to choose from. Going back 70 years or so there used to be at least three different newspaper companies publishing at least once a week - the East Kent Times (and Broadstairs Mail), The ITG and the East Kent/Thanet Advertiser. The twice weekly EKT vanished in 1981 and the KM introduced Thanet Extra. The 1960s saw the Thanet Times arrive (and rumours persist that it may soon fall by the wayside). Adscene arrived in the early 1970s.
These days you have ITG, TT, Thanet Extra, Thanet Adscene, and Your Thanet all specific to the area as well as KMFM Thanet local radio and county input from Kent On Sunday, Saturday Observer, KOS online, Kent Online and BBC Radio Kent, occasionally Meridian TV and BBC South East (when they can overcome their fears of leaving leafy Tunbridge Wells for more than a couple of hours). And that's only the mainstream stuff! That's a heck of lot of reading/listening/viewing to wade through - and a lot of competition.
Sorry, I'm too lazy to register as a named blogger so you'll have to make do with the anon thingy with my name at the end instead.
Love to all.
Nick, a good reply to Rick (aka 'Annoying bloke on another blog site that has closed/been suspended or whatever!). Nick, people do not perhaps appreciate the rash of interconnected media that exists and how they all feed off each other. For example, DT ran item on Saturday last about a couple kept homeless because of possibilty of crested newts being in a drainage ditch that was flooding their house. GMTV ran the item on following monday! For me the great thing is the different'take' that can occur on the same story depending on editors tasking some-one to dig further! KM is great stuff; no need to defend it!
Dave O'leary killing was due to feud with the owner of the security firm used by DV8 nightclub. The man responsible for David's Death is a member of the Arif family. If he is seen in Margate he will not be returning to London as he will be flying back to Turkey in a coffin. The reason Tivoli arcade was torched is because it is owned by the same person as DV8.
No, DV8 Nite Club is not your name, you should be paying royalties to me for using my name.
You will be hearing from my lawyers soon, or rectify the situation. I am re opening the original DV8 in Jan 2009, you may contact me @ or respond to my lawyers
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