What a silly question, I thought, for our local 'Leader' to be asking in our local paper, the IOTG!
I began to read on, thinking that this was the start of more community involvement and consultation by TDC with its electorate. No, it was an attack on the Government and national decline and quite simply illustrates why many of us 'neutral tinters' think that our local politicians should be 'independents' and not 'party wallahs'. Is this perhaps Sandy having national aspirations and looking longingly at Thanet North?
I have enough gripes about Central Government of my own but before our local leaders throw criticisms in that direction, it might be better to get affairs in Thanet going in the right direction first. For example:
£6 million wasted on TC; The Dreamland Fiasco; Town Centre Blight caused by Westwood Cross; Traffic Chaos; rising costs of TDC; allotment fencing; poor performance of parts of TDC etc. etc.......
I am reminded of that advice from that splendid leader of the '20 minuters', The Lord Flashheart when I put the Sopwith down after flying around for a few hours in low cloud and no 'vis', at Maypole instead of Manston. " Bertie, old boy," he shouted (why can't he talk at normal level) , " when you lose your way, instead of going around in circles and disappearing up your own orifice, unpleasant what?, Woof Woof! Its much better to put down quickly, and ask the locals the right way home."
So my answer to Sandy's question 'Have we lost way?' is yes I think you have. Go and ask the locals. What do you think?
An interesting old Ramsgate picture, a bit of sketching in Margate
Ramsgate Sands Station 1920s or 30sThe picture above expands normally the
one below is the high res file and should expand to much larger in case
4 days ago
As a local trader, we meet the public on a daily basis, and the general consenus is that the Council is TOTALLY to blame for Margate's decline and DOES not listen to any concerns the public have.AND that things are getting worse for our town centre. Primark is destined to leave the high st, Maybe Woolies next, Smiths ETC, so the list goes on. Regeneration of a town will always fail if the High St is not vibrant.How many more shops can the Council put Artist's impressions on? Maybe it would be better to appoint a business manager for the town, and cheaper than giving all the grants for repainting ALL those closed shops.
I could never subscribe to being a neutral tinter, independant or anything else. So any view I have of the Tory controlled TDC will always be deemed to be political.As difficult as it for me I can come up with a non political point of view of the TDC leadership. Firstly there doesn't seem to be any passion,self belief and conviction from the TDC leadership other than boring political point scoring aimed at keeping in power.Whatever they do they are on the defencesive straight away and when they are pro active it come across so cynical.
The Margate Museum issue is a fine example. There have been no accounts produced for three years by the EKMT who run the place on a TDC grant. So TDC say no accounts no money. Then it is the museum will close without finance. TDC say the museum is not closing the grant is stopping because of "the cheap government in power" have short changed them. Now it is TDC to rescue with a transitional grant for the museum, whatever that is. Afterall it is still council taxpayers money.
So the museum is staying open on a different grant and still no accounts. The latest I have heard is they now have a plan to keep the museum open but it is secret.
I think that says it all
So, 19.51, you do not believe, that David Kinnear of Margate Town Partnership is correct when he says in The KM Extra " You have only to look around to see signs everywhere that Margate is really beginning to buzz again"? I don't believe him either and I am fed up with those with salaries and vested interests (partnership Co-ordinators or Directors of galleries that don't exist) spouting on about how good all these plans are for Margate as I see it dying before my eyes. The one thing that could have saved Margate is not going to happen; an all-weather state of the art 'Water-world' or similar attraction on Dreamland site. Margate could not be in a worse position, as the UK stares recession in the face and all the optimism in the world is not going to change that unpalatable fact. If you want to listen to a fairy story, ask Derek Harding ( Programme Manager for Margate Partnership Renewal) for the script of his talk ' Margate is my Milan'!
Protest power or an untenable position by TDC at the start, Tony?
Margate is dead! Just look at the high street and the square where Carphone warehouse, HSBC and Peacocks used to be!
All boarded up, and a wonderful show for Margate!
But never fear, the Turnip Centre will cure all our woes!
Cllr Dr Charles McAvoy Tony ?
A local DHSS unilaterally underpaying benefits to the local care home industry.
(Limiting cash flow through local enterprise)
Thanet Police with proportionately fewer officers than other Kent areas. Pulling strokes to avoid policing the streets at night, thus undermining the resort and licensed club industry.
The area has been shooting itself in the foot for years.
Margate has been badly let down, businesses are closing down, there is nothing for residents or tourists to do in the town. Grants etc will soon dry up. TDC will sooner than later, be answering many questions regarding why all that money was wasted?
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